
5 Most Common Criminal Charges in Canada

In Canada, many people might think of big crimes like murder when they hear about criminal charges. However, most of the charges are unique and may occur to anybody. Here are the five most common criminal charges that people face in Canada. If one is accused of a crime, speaking with a criminal lawyer in Brampton is extremely important to get assistance.

1. Breaking

Breaking occurs when someone enters an environment illegally, such as a house or an apparel store. This can happen in many ways. For instance, the person may smash a window or pick a lock to enter. Although a person can open a door without requesting permission, he/she can be criminally liable for this act.

Many people commit breaking because they are eager to steal valuable stuff. They could feel like they can fool around, particularly if the area appears deserted.

If caught, the person can face serious punishments. They may have to incur fines or even prison terms. Their punishment often depends on whether they went into a theft where they stole something and/or whether someone was there when the perpetrator entered.

2. Fraud

Fraud is when you take advantage of someone to gain money or property. Such crimes may be committed in various ways, from cheating a consumer out of a product to identity theft.

Some frauds include: 

Credit Card Fraud-using a credit card without getting information.

Health care fraud- withholding information to an insurance carrier to obtain money for an unfounded event.

Internet deceitful messages, emails, or SMS are transmitted to prey individuals and get them to give their data.

Frauds are committed because it is the desire for fast money without the work necessary to earn it.  A person may be subject to severe fines and/or imprisonment if caught while attempting to defraud. 

3. Assault

Assault is when you threaten or cause injury to someone. This charge is serious and can vary in severity.

Types of Assault

Simple Assault – Injury or threatened injury is relatively minor in this case (e.g., pushing someone in a fight or who is argumentative).

Aggravated AsSault- This is more severe, and it includes inflicted significant injury or the presence of a weapon.

Assault often happens during fights or arguments. Sometimes, people act spontaneously angry and frustrated, disregarding the likely negative consequences.

You might physically assault someone, and they lose mobility, needing physiotherapy. If they bring the charges with evidence that they had to seek medical therapy sessions, you could get into serious trouble with the law. 

Getting charged with assault is one of the possible consequences of being under police scrutiny and can lead to imprisonment, taking part in community service, or receiving mandatory psychotherapy. 

4. Impaired Driving

Poor driving includes driving a vehicle when intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. This is an extremely dangerous offence as it puts everyone on the road in danger.

Some people consume alcohol or drugs and believe they can still drive safely. They may not consider how much these compounds impair their driving performance.

 If you are found drinking and driving, it can attract fines and imprisonment. They may also need to participate in community service and enrol for safe driving.

To prevent drunk driving, individuals should always plan how they are going to get home safely after alcohol consumption. Choices are available from public transport, cab ordering, or a sober friend driving them home.

5. Theft

Theft is taking something that does not belong to you without the owner knowing. This crime can happen anywhere—at stores, schools, or home.

Types of Theft: Types of Theft:

Shoplifting-Taking items from a store without paying.

Burglary-Breaking into a building to steal things.

Theft from Vehicles- Items are taken from cars left unattended in public areas.

People may steal because they need money or want something but cannot afford it. They could also do it just for the pleasure of it” or steal just for the thrill of the crime itself. Thieves get severe punishment. Some get heavy fines, while some cases can get you imprisoned. 


Breaking, fraud, assault, impaired driving, and theft. Each charge has its reasons for happening and consequences for those caught. When individuals are under these charges, they should seek professional legal help. Knowing these charges can enable us to make the right decisions to keep ourselves out of legal trouble.